How to use the maps controls and layers options


Sky Ledges map interface offers a variety of controls that allow you to navigate, zoom, and interact with the map. Here's a guide on how to use the basic map controls:

  1. Zoom In and Out:

    • Zoom In: To zoom in on the map, you can either use the "+" button located in the lower-right corner of the map, or you can use the scroll wheel on your mouse. You can also double-click on the map to zoom in on that specific location.

    • Zoom Out: To zoom out, you can use the "-" button in the lower-right corner of the map or use the scroll wheel in the opposite direction.

  2. Navigation:

    • Pan: Click and hold the left mouse button on the map and drag it in the direction you want to move to pan the map.

    • Arrow Controls: Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to pan the map in different directions.

  3. Map Types:

    • Map Type Selector: Click the "Map" button in the top-right corner of the map to open the map type selector. You can choose from different map views, such as "Map," "Aerial," "Terrain," and "Traffic".

  4. View all:

    • View all button: Use the 'View All" button at the bottom of the map to zoom out to view all the assets on the map, no matter how far away they are.


Sky Ledges map interface offers a variety of controls that allow you to navigate, zoom, and interact with the map. Here's a guide on how to use the basic map controls:

labels: traffic, satellite

labels: traffic, satellite

Last updated