Defining the Launchpad and its functionality
Getting to know your Launchpad
Ok great, so you've created an account and signed in! Here's what you'll see once you've signed in, your Launchpad:
The Launchpad is where you can easily see Control Rooms that have been shared with you as well as those you've created. Let's take a closer look at what's available on the Launchpad.
Launchpad Navigation
Control Rooms: Displays all Control Rooms you own and shared with you.
People & Assets: Manage your people and assets including utilisation and other performance metrics.
Places: A list of places and geofences that are important to your team so you can harness the power of location to get geospatial insights.
Pulse: A way for you to capture information through forms (e.g. customers submitting support requests or work orders or even from Alexa/Google Home type devices)
Rules & Actions: See and manage business rules that trigger different behaviours with respect to your people, assets or places.
Help: Brings you right here to learn more!
Manage your Organisation: View and invite users to your organisation as well as API keys for developers integrate external systems, sensors and assets with your Control Rooms.
Users & Permissions: Invite users for them to collaborate with you.
Header Navigation
Notifications: Receive updates on changes and new features.
Profile: Access your profile information and update billing details.
Suggestions: Tips and tricks to help you get started and find inspiration to get the most out of Sky Ledge.
First Time Launchpad
Create a new Control Room: Create your very own Control Room. Psst, most people will prefer to get an invitation to an existing Control Room.
Action Button: Quickly create a control room or take other actions exposed via Apps or Sky Ledge modules.
Populated Launchpad
Once you have either created Control Rooms of your own, or someone has invited you to their Control Rooms, your Launchpad will be populated with Control Rooms. You can easily explore Control Rooms and access a few convenient shortcuts:
Suggestions : Tips and tricks to help you navigate Sky Ledge and ideas to get inspiration from.
View as Cards or Table: You can choose to display your Control Rooms as a set of cards (as in the screenshot above) or as a table. Tables are useful when you have a dozen or more Control Rooms.
Control Room: A short title and sometimes a description of what the Control Room does. Click the card to open up your Control Room and explore the insights it provides.
Control Room Shortcuts: Hovering over a Control Room panel displays these three dots. Clicking on these dots will give you some quick shortcuts to invite and modify your Control Room.
Invite Users: Easily invite others to access the Control Room.
Manage Event Types: Manage the types of events that are displayed in this specific Control Room.
Delete this Control Room: Delete a control room. Be careful, make sure this is what you want to do!
Great, so you're now comfortable with the Launchpad. Time to get you across where all the action happens, Control Rooms!
Last updated