Creating A Control Room
Recap: What’s a Control Room?
Control Rooms are “containers of insights”.
Control Rooms can be created to organise insights geographically (e.g. Hero Potion control rooms for different regions, New York, Boston, San Fran).
They can also be used to organise insights by themes or types of insights (for example, different Control Rooms for the regulator, marketing team and logistics).
And of course, you can mix and match (for example, have control rooms for the logistics team in NY, a different one for the logistics team in San Fran and perhaps another Control Room that displays logistics insights across all cities).
Creating your first Control Room - Using the interface
Creating a Control Room is a super easy, four step process:
Sign in to your launchpad
Create Control Room
Give it a name, we've called ours “Heroes Flying Potion - Real-time Monitoring”
Create Control Room
Click here for a detailed visual walk through.
Creating your first Control Room - Using the API
It’s entirely possible that Control Rooms need to be provisioned using APIs. For example, an automatic process that creates a control room for each pharmacy that purchases from HP Inc. This way each pharmacy can see information about shipping status as well as create and see insights about its customers.
Creating the Control Room
Last updated